Cash register

Transactions -> Cash register

Here, all movements that have taken place through the company’s cash register are displayed.

Cash transactions can be entered by:

  1. Marking them as paid from the Actions menu in the sales or purchase invoice view
  2. Entering a new receipt or payment from the Cash register view

If a payment or receipt is related to a single invoice, it is more convenient to mark it as paid from the invoice view.

If a single cash transaction is related to multiple invoices, it is better to enter it from the Cash view and link it to the necessary invoices (Actions menu -> Link receipt to invoice/Link payment to purchase invoice).

If a payment is made in cash to an accountable person, it can also be entered here.

All cash transactions are also reflected in the Operations -> Payments or Operations -> Receipts lists.

Cash Orders

The cash income or expenditure order can be found in PDF format at the end of the row in the Cash register list view under the three dots button.

Cash Report

The button for the cash report PDF file can be found in the Cash register header, next to the export button. When you click on the report button, you need to select the start and end dates for the report and then click the Next button. As a result, the system will automatically download the file to your computer.

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