The free PrestaShop interface option by SimplBooks can be activated from the “Settings -> Integrations” menu. In the case of this integration, it is not a fully automatic with which sales orders immediately reach SimplBooks at the moment of entry, but for the orders to reach SimplBooks, it is necessary […]
WooCommerce integration
Free WooCommerce integration by SimplBooks can be activated from the main menu from under “Settings -> Integrations”. This integration is not a fully automatic integration with which sales orders immediately appear in SimplBooks after they have been created in WooCommerce. In order for the orders to reach SimplBooks, one has […]
Exporting data in XBRL GL format
SimplBooks allows exporting of sales and purchase invoices in XBRL GL format. Mentioned features are not active in any environment by default. This can be easily changes under your environment settings. To export data in XBRL GL format you will first need to open “Settings -> environment settings“. Necessary setting can […]