Logging in

From 27.08.2017 on you will need to use your e-mail address instead of your previous username to log into your SimplBooks environment. E-mail address to use is the one you used to register for SimplBooks service or the one you rceived an invitation to register as user to a specific account.

In addition log in will be moved to one central address which is https://secure.simplbooks.com. Your current login address will be automatically redirected to this new address.

If before this change you had users in several different environments then accessing those accounts from now on depends wheather or not you used the same e-mail address for each of these users.

If you used the same e-mail address every time then you will be able to access all of those environments very easily after loging in – environment choise is in the top right corner under company name.

Otherwise you need to use different e-mails to log into different environments or you can create a new user in all your environments with preferred one e-mail aadress. In case of any additional questions please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support.

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