Sales margin report

Report -> Sales margin report

Sales margin report provides an overview of the revenue earned from stock items (the cost of the purchase invoice subtracted from the revenue of the sales invoice).

The report displays the article code, name, unit cost price, sales margin, and quantity sold.

If an item has been purchased at different prices, a small triangle appears in front of the article row. This row shows the average unit cost and average sales margin. By clicking on the triangle, additional rows open where profitability can be viewed per batch.

From the gear icon , you can select whether credit invoices are included in the report.

Filters can be applied for customers, articles, and/or employees under the Filters button. The option can be found by clicking the drop-down menu.

By clicking the magnifying glass icon, you can view the sales invoice for a specific row.

You can enter the sales invoice view by clicking the magnifying glass again on “View invoice”.

The report can be exported by pressing the “Export” button.

In the opened view, you can select which reports will be exported and in which format.

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