Entry of employees

Wages -> Employees -> New employee

In the window that opens, there is an empty employee card divided into four categories:

  • main details
  • additional details
  • address and bank details
  • employment data.

Once the employee card has been saved, you can add the employee’s salary and applicable taxes.

Main details

The mandatory fields are the employee’s first name and last name, but it is also important to add the personal identification code. The personal identification code is necessary for verifying pension contributions and for preparing the TSD report, which can be submitted to the Tax Board. If the personal identification code is missing, the employee’s salary data cannot be uploaded to the Tax Board. A correct name is also important to ensure that salary transfers to the bank proceed smoothly

Additional details

Here you can add the employee’s birthday, email address and photo. If the registered employee is a pensioner, click the button in front of “Pensioner” to activate it. This is necessary for the correct tax-exempt income code to be reflected in the TSD report.

The email address is required if you want to send payroll notifications to the employee through SimplBooks. You can also add it directly in the payroll notification sending view; it is not mandatory to fill it in beforehand.

Address and bank details

There are no mandatory fields in this category, but it is useful to fill in the bank account details. This provides the option to create a payment order file or send the payment to the bank through the bank interface for approval (the payment order must be confirmed in the bank).

Employment data

It is very important to correctly indicate the employment start date here. The default number of vacation days per year is set to 28 and the same applies to the number of carried-over holiday days.

For a new employee, the balance of holiday days is 0, and the date is the employment start date. If you are transferring data from another software for an existing company, enter the number of unused holiday days here with the date of implementing the SimplBooks software.

The working time rate is an informative field and is not used elsewhere.

For additional questions, please write to us support@simplbooks.ee.

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