WooCommerce integration

Free WooCommerce integration by SimplBooks can be activated from the main menu from under “Settings -> Integrations”. This integration is not a fully automatic integration with which sales orders immediately appear in SimplBooks after they have been created in WooCommerce. In order for the orders to reach SimplBooks, one has to manually import them from sales invoices list by clicking on “Import” and selecting “WooCommerce import”.

For a fully automatic integration with more options, see e.g. YesItWorks.eu or E-liides.ee solutions. These are third-party integration for which SimplBooks cannot take responsibility. Also, for external integrations, additional fees from the integration providers may apply.

To activate WooCommerce integration, you need to enter the public URL of your e-shop, API key and API password in the settings. The necessary inputs can be found under WooCommerce REST API settings. After successful activation of the integration, an additional option for importing sales invoices from the WooCommerce e-shop is added under the import button in the list of sales invoices.

Under the import settings, you can configure how orders from private individuals are imported or what happens if the name of the buyer is not specified at all. In addition, you can set whether the prices are imported according to the net price or according to the price with VAT from WooCommerce. This setting may affect differences between WooCommerce and SimplBooks due to rounding of sums.

In case you want to keep track of stock in SimplBooks, fill in the contents of the SKU field under inventory management in WooCommerce’s product settings so that it matches the item code used in SimplBooks. It is important that there are enough products in stock in SimplBooks at the time of importing the orders. In the integration settings in SimplBooks, you can also specify the default warehouse from which sold products are deducted.

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