SEB Pank integration

The SEB <–> SimplBooks integration automates the import of SEB bank transactions into SimplBooks. This eliminates the need to download transaction files from the bank and upload them to SimplBooks manually. Once the integration is activated, the previous day’s bank transactions are automatically imported into SimplBooks overnight. Additionally, you can send payment orders directly to the bank, where they must be confirmed. Activating and using the integration does not incur any additional cost.

To activate the integration, your company must have a bank account with SEB Pank. Once this requirement is met, log in to your SimplBooks account, go to Settings -> Integrations and select “SEB Pank” from the list.

By clicking the “Activate” button, a view will open where you can verify your bank account and company registration code. Once the information is confirmed, click the “Activate” button again.

The system will then ask you to verify your identity using Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, or an ID card. Only the company’s legal representative (board member) can activate the integration. This ensures that data from your bank account is accessible only to the correct and authorized users.

After successful identification, the contract signing process will be automatically initiated. The board member must then sign the contract in SEB Business internet banking. After the contract is signed, the service will be activated within one business day.

Important! SEB may charge an additional fee of 5 euros per calendar month for using the SEB integration (information as of 01.2025). This monthly fee does not apply to clients with Standard, Standard+, Premium, or Premium+ business plans.

Good to know
If you want validated transactions to be automatically saved during bank import, you need to enable it in Settings -> Environment settings -> General Settings. At the bottom, under Helpful features, enable “Bank transactions automatic processing”.

You can find information about unprocessed bank transactions on the company overview page. By clicking on the text “Continue here” you will be directed to the bank import view.

There is also information about unprocessed transactions displayed above the list of receipts and payments on a green-highlighted background.

Sending a single payment to the bank
1 Open the purchase invoice you wish to send to the bank for payment and select “Send Payment to the bank” from the Actions menu.

2 A window will open where you can select which bank the payment should be sent to. In this view, only the banks you have integrated with will be displayed.

3 After selecting the bank, you can choose the payment date and if necessary, adjust the amount. The unpaid portion of the invoice is pre-filled as the amount.

Important Sent payments must be confirmed in the bank!

Sending multiple payments to the bank
1 Select invoices with the “Unpaid” status in the list. The “Bulk actions” option will appear at the top. Click it and choose “Export selected rows.”

2 The data export view will open, allowing you to select “Send Payments to the bank” as the next step.

3 A window will open, allowing you to select the bank where the payment will be sent. Only banks with an active integration will be shown in this view.

4 After selecting the bank, you can choose the payment date either the due date shown on the purchase invoice or a date of your choice.

Important Sent payments must be confirmed in the bank!

Manual import of bank transactions

You can import transactions from the period before activating the integration by going to Operations -> Payments or Operations -> Receipts. Click the “Import” button and select the bank whose transactions you wish to import. Only the banks with which you have an integration will be displayed in this view.

The next step is selecting the period. You can import transactions up to 90 days old.

Important Transactions from the same day are not supported for import through the integration and must be imported from a file, preferably in XML format.

Important Transactions older than 90 days can be imported from a file.

If it becomes necessary to remove the integration, two steps need to be followed. First, remove the integration under Integrations in the SimplBooks environment and secondly, terminate the contract with the bank.

If you have any additional questions, write to us at

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