Where to start? 20 Articles
- Logging in
- Entering initial balances – existing company
- How to start salary calculation?
- How to transfer your existing fixed assets to SimplBooks
- Transferring claims and liabilities of previous periods to SimplBooks
- Sales invoices – settings and how to create
- Entering initial inventory
- Change the plan
- SimplBooks demo
- Importing sales invoices in e-invoice format (XML File)
OPERATIONS 39 Articles
- Operations FAQ 15 Articles
- Payments/Receivables
- Creating a credit note (services, not inventory items)
- Marking the credit invoice as paid (settlement)
- Sales invoices – settings and how to create
- Entering purchase invoices and view settings
- Sale of fixed assets
- Expense reports (reporting person)
- Logbook
- Travel reports
- Periodic (recurring) invoices *
WAREHOUSE 7 Articles
- Warehouse FAQ 3 Articles
- Warehouses (adding a warehouse account, creating a new account and deleting a warehouse)
- Importing warehouse articles
- Entering initial inventory
- Write-off of warehouse articles
- Intra-Community purchases accounting – inventory goods
- Why can’t articles be added to the sales invoice?
- Items
SETTINGS 21 Articles
- Settings FAQ 5 Articles
- Company profile (setting details)
- Billing profile (company information, plan change)
- Change the plan
- Bank accounts and cash registers (adding/editing)
- Adding new users
- Changing Password
- Forgot password?
- Using filters in lists
- Swedbank Gateway integration
- SEB Pank integration